You feel stressed out, burned out, irritable or anxious on most days. You try to rest, get organized and stay on top of things, but someone always needs something from you. You feel exhausted. You no longer feel like yourself. You want more energy, a sense of harmony and to enjoy life, but you are on edge, frustrated and exhausted. You may be struggling with the demands of work, taking care of others, managing relationships, parenting or just trying to find balance while "fitting it all in." You may have past life experiences or trauma that you have not talked about or worked through because YOU are always the one taking care of others. You may break promises and commitments to yourself, have a hard time trusting yourself, and place more importance on pleasing and showing up for others. You are afraid to pause and slow down because you may lose momentum or shutdown and not be able to get back up. You may be afraid to say no and set boundaries because of what others may think about you or do. Trying to keep up with it all is causing you to neglect or abandon the most important relationship that you have...
The relationship with YOU!
It's time to start showing up for yourself.
It's okay if you got off track and caught up in life.
Together, we can...
Explore Roots of Self Abandonment & How it Has Impacted Your Life.
RECONNECT to the Authentic Version of Yourself.
Change Old Patterns and Create New Ones That SUPPORT You.
Build SELF TRUST and Rebuild Your Relationship to Self.
You are Capable and Ready! That is Why You are Here.
Let's Work on This Together. ​
You Deserve to feel like YOU again!
I offer wellness groups, support and therapy for women experiencing Anxiety, Stress, Reproductive Mental Health issues, Trauma and ADHD!